Why Vitamin D deficiency is such an issue

The benefits of vitamin D are numerous due to its importance in promoting and maintaining several vital functions in your body:

  • Calcium absorption
  • Bone and cell growth
  • Reducing inflammation
  • Helps to maintain adequate levels of calcium and phosphate

Recent studies have demonstrated the role of vitamin D in insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and immune function and have suggested that vitamin D plays a role in reducing the risk of certain cancers, diabetes, heart disease and stroke, and autoimmune diseases.

Studies conducted at Harvard University School of Public Health have predicted that approximately one billion people have inadequate levels of vitamin D. Vitamin D deficiencies can cause acute as well as chronic health issues such as a weakening of muscles and bones referred to as “osteomalacia,” and osteoporosis, which occurs when your bones lose density, start to weaken, and break. Low levels of vitamin D have also been linked to depression, unexpected weakness and fatigue, as well as chronic pain.

There are several factors involved in the rise in vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D has been nicknamed “the sunshine vitamin” because exposure to sunlight stimulates vitamin D3 production in your skin. But, many factors affect your ability to produce it — latitude, time of day, season, sunscreen, skin color, and age.

A number of natural sources provide it

There are number of foods that are naturally high in vitamin D. These vitamin D foods include:

  • Beef liver
  • Cheese
  • Fatty fish including salmon, tuna, mackerel
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms

Several foods have been fortified with vitamin D such as dairy products, orange juice, many breakfast cereals, and margarine.

But, the best natural source of vitamin D is sunshine! Getting out in the sun without sunscreen each day can have a huge impact on your vitamin D levels, but it’s hard to quantify the amount you’re getting vs. protecting yourself from skin cancer.

But, you may need to supplement as well

The bottom line is that, unless your diet is rich in fatty fish or liver oils, you’re going to have a hard time getting sufficient amounts of vitamin D without eating fortified foods or taking a supplement.

Vibrant Nutraceuticals offers a wide variety of vitamin D3 supplements that are 100% vegan and vegetarian. Our Vegan Vitamin D3 comes from a special organic plant, the lichen, which has the ability to grow and accumulate vitamin D3.

Vibrant makes vitamin D3 supplements in a range of dosages. Our Kids Vitamin D3 200 IU and Vitamin D3 400 IU spray can be applied to food or sprayed directly into your mouth. Our soft gels come in dosages of 1000 IU and 5000 IU. And, our delicious tasting vitamin D3 gummies come in 1000 IU dose.

In addition, our Daily Vita Plus is a complete daily vitamin in a bio-available liquid form and contains 100% of the daily recommended dose of vitamin D as well as the recommended daily amounts of 12 other vitamins in a great-tasting lemon flavor.