Easy ways to change your diet in 2020

For many in the U.S., the number one New Year’s resolution will be to get healthier by losing a few pounds in 2020. The hard fact is that your very life may depend on it. “A recent study — the largest yet on obesity and mortality — has found that the more overweight you are, the higher your risk of death.”Losing those extra pounds is about more than looking good; it’s about living longer.

Do you cringe when you think about going on a “diet”? That’s because you probably associate it with an empty, growling stomach and feeling deprived — which can lead to unpleasant emotions. “Research has shown that exerting self-control makes people more likely to behave aggressively toward others and people on diets are known to be irritable and quick to anger.”

Instead of trying to follow a prescribed weight-loss plan, we’ll outline some simple ways you can change your diet to help you achieve the same results without making you hard to be around.

Follow these steps

Make an effort to eat more vegetables and fruit. Dieticians suggest that you fill half your plate with fruits and veggies because they’re lower in calories and higher in fiber than many other foods. “High fiber foods not only provide volume, but also take longer to digest, making you feel full longer on fewer calories.”Making an effort to eat more fiber will also help your digestion.

Commit to drinking at least 6-8 glasses of plain water a day. Every cell in your body needs water to function, and choosing it over soda, juice, or espresso drinks will help reduce your caloric intake. Keeping a full water bottle with you at all times will help you remember to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Portion control is also key to reducing overall caloric intake. Watch how much you put on your plate, and focus on eating slowly. Standing at the counter, snacking, or sitting down for a meal in front of the TV encourages overeating because you’re too distracted to recognize when you’re full.

Last in the list of easy ways to change your diet is to choose better fats. Unsaturated or vegetable fats are the best, so aim to cook with healthy fats, like olive oil, and eat lower fat snacks, like popcorn and fruit.

Too much at once?

One of the biggest downfalls associated with changing your diet is feeling overwhelmed by all the “rules.” Ease yourself into clean living by making the suggested changes one at a time. When that becomes a habit, add a second, etc. Making progress is all that’s important, no matter how long it takes you.

One question we hear a lot at Vibrant Nutraceuticals is: “how do I eat healthy if I hate anything green?” Don’t worry; you can still make the changes above by substituting other high fiber foods like beans and nuts for vegetables. And, if you’d like to know more about which vitamins you should take if you don’t eat vegetables, click on our page for the answer. Here’s to a more vibrant you in the new year.