Sneak more fiber into your toddler’s diet without them even knowing 

A growing trend among Americans is that we are simply not getting enough fiber in our diets. Adults require different amounts than children, but both groups are falling short of the recommendation. Adult women should get 25 grams of fiber per day and men need about 38 grams. 

The American Heart Association recommends that kids between the ages of 1 and 3 get at least 19 grams of fiber per day, and the number goes up with each passing year. Unfortunately, the population as a whole is actually only consuming an average of 15 grams per day. As a parent, it can be distressing to know that your growing children are not eating enough fiber. 

Those of us who are raising toddlers know all too well the difficulty of getting this age group to eat almost anything that contains a healthy amount of fiber. But what can you do when your 2-year-old runs from the sight of anything green? One option is to sneak fiber into your toddler’s meals.

How do you sneak broccoli into a toddler’s dinner?

The answer to that question is simple — you don’t. Toddlers are famous for detecting and refusing things they don’t want on their dinner plate. Often the uncomfortable consequence is constipation. But you can outsmart them by adding tiny pieces of carrots or zucchini, for example, into the tomato sauce you put on their pasta. Or making their PB&J on whole grain bread that is packed with healthy fiber instead of the more processed option. 

Another easy option is to add liquid fiber supplements into their food or drink. You may already be using Vibrant Nutraceutical supplements for optimal health, and you’ll be excited to know that Clarifiber is made for all ages. It can help you get the daily amount of fiber you need and it’s safe for kids too. In fact, Clarifiber is a liquid fiber that is safe for toddlers

Start sneaking more fiber in their meals today!

We know you’re doing everything you can to be a good parent, but kids can have very selective eating habits. Making sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need is a challenge. Sneaking fiber into your kids meals with Clarifier is easy and safe. They won’t even know you’re doing it. Imagine — no more cranky, constipated baby!

Supplementing your toddler’s diet with liquid fiber is a great way to get around your little picky eater’s palette. You don’t even have to leave the house. With Vibrant Nutraceutical’s easy online ordering, you can have it delivered directly to your door.